From law foundation to teacher’s institute

After form 5 or 12th grade, many students have no freaking idea on what and where to pursue their studies in higher education and that’s including me πŸ™‚ Well, as for me, it wasn’t because I had no firm decision but because of my unstable examination result. Get it? hehe.

exam result

So I applied matriculation, UPU, UPM diploma (separately) and IPG (teacher) just in caseΒ  I didn’t get any three of them. Smart right? It was a tough decision after all and I got stressed up because I got three of them (teacher’s application result hadn’t come out). Well, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I rejected matricultion and UPM diploma and went to Law Foundation (KPTM) in UITM Dengkil through my UPU result instead because I really loved arguing. It was only two days of orientation and I flew back to Kuching.


Beautiful. I took this on my way to Kuching! Yes, Air Asia! Now everyone can fly!

lawyer meme.jpg

Finally, teacher’s application result came out on the 13th of June 2018! I accepted the offer right away. Yahoooo! Honestly I never wanted to be a teacher, it was blacklisted in my career list :p but not many people can get this, we had to go for examination,physical test and interview! Kids??? I’ll get used to them later on. When making decision, we have to look at the pros and cons and I found out the thing I hated the most is something that I end up want to be! Okay, I listed up few honest reasons why I want to be a teacher ;

  1. Job demand is high.Β What for getting a degree but end up unemployed?
  2. Good salary.Β This depends on which country you are living in you know? Some countries do not really appreciate teachers. My country does πŸ™‚
  3. Shaping the future of country.Β Oh you really need to shape the students first. You wouldn’t want other reckless teacher doing nothing for students but get paid right?
  4. Holiday.Β This is where it gets exciting. Yes,we have holidays like school kids! Whoever loves travelling,this is your chance! Resting up too but don’t forget to mark the test papers :p
  5. Have time for family.Β People are busy working and they forget about the significance of connection between parents and children. Becoming a teacher, you can go home in the afternoon, fetching up kids and cook for dinner in the evening πŸ™‚
  6. teacher meme

Last but not least, I thank my parents for guiding me through all these. All praises to the Lord! Wohooo

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